Your Emissions, Our Commitment: Offset for a Better Planet

Our Carbon Offset Services
Our service offerings help businesses, and organizations measure, reduce, and compensate for their greenhouse gas emissions. We deploy, ISO 14001 environmental management systems lead auditors for Carbon 360 implementation.

Offset Credit Generation

Carbon Market Engagement

Customized Offset Plans

Carbon Footprint Assessment

Offset Project Selection

Verification & Certifications

Deep Dive CO2 Assessment

We deploy data collection and calculation methods to assess organizational CO2
footprint, develop carbon offsets project and roadmap.

Carbon Foot Print Calculator

  • Focused on “TCFD Financial Control Reporting Requirements” to ISO 14064 Category 1 through
  • 5, and or Corporate Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scopes 1, 2, and Scope 3 (all 15 categories, including financed emissions)
  • Asset level up data verification and validation
  • Country specific factor selection and application
  • Country specific grid, line losses and source energy
  • Country specific oil and gas distribution system losses and source energy
  • Country Specific water distribution and wastewater collection systems losses and source energy
  • Country specific supply chain factors (Capital Goods built, purchased, or traded with Verification and Validation, Goods and Services purchased, or traded with Verification and Validation)

Environmental Product

  • Disclosure Map EPDs to ISO 14064 Carbon Footprint (Categories 1 through 5)

Reduction Roadmap

  • Carbon offset project development, on UNFCCC approved carbon offset registry
  • Model carbon offset for cost and market price
  • Reduction Planning and Tracking
    • Country Specific (comply with country specific regulatory requirements, US Commerce Commission, US EPA.) Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). Purchase, Tracking and Retirement for Renewable Energy Claims and use in Carbon Offset Projects
    • Renewable Index Numbers for liquid fuels for transportation that comply with country specific regulatory requirements, US EPA, Western Climate Initiative, and Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Purchase, Tracking and Retirement for Renewable Fuels Claims and use in Carbon
      Offset Projects
    • Carbon Offset Purchases, Tracking, and Retirement for use in reductions of carbon footprint to “Carbon Neutrality Claims” (Carbon Offsets and Carbon Removal Offsets are Securities and regulated by the US SEC)
    • Carbon Removal Offset Purchases, Tracking, and Retirement for use in “Net Zero Emissions Claims

Reporting Frameworks and Trading Platforms

  • Reporting Frameworks
  • TCFD – Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures
  • CSRD (Still a work in Progress) – Corporate sustainability Reporting Directive
  • PRI – Principals for Responsible Investment
  • GRI- Global Reporting Initiative (UNFCCC 17 Goals)
  • CDP – Carbon Disclosure Project
  • GRESB – Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark
  • CRREM – Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor – S&P Global

Carbon Offset Development

Carbon offset development/Net Zero requires comprehensive assessment of emission sources and identify opportunities of improvement towards carbon reduction. “This is not a simple systems integration and data activity as claimed by majority of the ESG reporting tools in the market.

Working with customers, we develop carbon offset projects and carbon-offset financing, on an Approved Carbon Offset Registry

We’ll help you determine the appropriate data sources for your unique needs, automate its aggregation, assist you in analyzing it and submitting reports to the benchmarking tools and global frameworks that satisfy your regulatory and contractual obligations.
Our carbon offset projects are modeled for cost and compared to market price, the company would pay for the carbon offset, before the project data is finalized and sent to the required 3rd party reviewer.
Get Customers into Carbon Market and Carbon Market Alignment
Participating in a Carbon Market requires an understanding of the

  • What is a carbon credit and how is it generated?
  • What are the industry standards & guidance for sector of interest?
  • What are the known and unknow risks/trade offs?
  • What determines the quality of a carbon credit?
  • Understanding of both the compliance & voluntary carbon market.
  • How to transact and track the sale of carbon credits?
How can AccelESG help?
  • AccelESG brings a deep understanding and experience in the carbon credit generation and marketing
  • Robust understanding of current and emerging guidance and protocols that govern GHG accounting and methodologies for generating carbon credits (e.g,. GHGP, SBTi, ICVCM, etc.)
  • A firm knowledge of what constitutes a high-quality, high-integrity carbon credit
  • Experience navigating through the complex Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification process
  • Understanding of and experience in working with Carbon registries such as Verra and Climate Action Reserve.
How can AccelESG help?
  • AccelESG brings a deep understanding and experience in the carbon credit generation and marketing
  • Robust understanding of current and emerging guidance and protocols that govern GHG accounting and methodologies for generating carbon credits (e.g,. GHGP, SBTi, ICVCM, etc.)
  • A firm knowledge of what constitutes a high-quality, high-integrity carbon credit
  • Experience navigating through the complex Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification process
  • Understanding of and experience in working with Carbon registries such as Verra and Climate Action Reserve.
  • Education and training for customer leadership and staff on ESG/Carbon markets
  • Tailored carbon credit generation support:
  • Design support: Support for project design and development (Customer implements the project, goes through verification, and transacts approved credits in the VCM)
  • End-to-end support: Support for concept, design and development of project, assist with implementation, third-party verification, registry, and sale of carbon credit
  • Fiduciary and Reputational Risk mitigation
  • Poor quality projects can pose severe reputational and financial risks to customers
  • AccelESG will mitigate these risks by:
  • Utilizing only robust registry-approved methodology for generating carbon credits. AccelESG will work with only reputed registries.
  • All carbon credits generated using an approved rotocol/methodology will undergo robust independent third-party verification.
  • The verification process will culminate in a Reasonable Assurance statement by the independent third-party verifier regarding the claims made by customers.